
  • Ni Kadek Berliana Diah UHN I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar




Purana, Manu Theory, and Upanisad
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Humans as rational beings are often called atma or spirit. In the Upanisad it is called “atma” or he
is Brahman. Brahman is the principle of the universe. As living beings, humans ask for guidance through
God word as contained in the Purana and Upanisad Librearies. The concept of manu theory and human
quality at all times in literacy is actually very much found in the Veda and their codifications. One part of
codifications of the Veda which contains the manu theor and humans qualities at all times in the Purana
and Upanisad. The Purana has an important position and strategy in the order of the Veda and Hindu
Literature. The purpose of this study was to analyze Manu Theory and human quality at all times according
to the Purana and Upanisad using a qualitative descriptive research methode. The conclusion of this study
shows that the concept of manu theory and human quality at all times according to the Purana and
Upanisad, it can be seen that Hindu have a sense of pride and increasingly believe in the teachings of
Hinduism as a proper guide to lead their lives in navigating life in this world of propan and the natural
sunya loka.Humans as rational beings are often called atma or spirit. In the Upanisad it
is called “atma” or he is Brahman. Brahman is the principle of the universe.
As living beings, humans ask for guidance through God word as contained in
the Purana and Upanisad Librearies. The concept of manu theory and human
quality at all times in literacy is actually very much found in the Veda and
their codifications. One part of codifications of the Veda which contains the
manu theor and humans qualities at all times in the Purana and Upanisad.
The Purana has an important position and strategy in the order of the Veda
and Hindu Literature. The purpose of this study was to analyze Manu Theory
and human quality at all times according to the Purana and Upanisad using a
qualitative descriptive research methode. The conclusion of this study shows
that the concept of manu theory and human quality at all times according to
the Purana and Upanisad, it can be seen that Hindu have a sense of pride and
increasingly believe in the teachings of Hinduism as a proper guide to lead
their lives in navigating life in this world of propan and the natural sunya


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How to Cite

Ni Kadek Berliana Diah. (2024). TEORI MANU DAN KUALITAS MANUSIA SETIAP JAMAN MENURUT PUSTAKA UPANISAD DAN PURANA. Veda Jyotih: Jurnal Agama Dan Sains, 2(2), 9–18. https://doi.org/10.61330/vedajyotih.V2i2.32